1.YaruGuo, Shulin Sun,Dynamic behavior of a stochastic non-autonomous predator-prey model with Crowley-Martin functional response and impulses,Journal of Biological Systems,2022, 30(1): 183-223.(SCI)
2.Liu Xiaojuan, Sun Shulin, Dynamical behavior of stochastic competition betweenplasmid-bearing and plasmid-free organisms in a chemostat model,Journal of Biological Systems, 2021, 29(1): 1-21.(SCI)
3. Yan Rong,Sun Shulin, Stochastic characteristics of a chemostat model with variable yield, Physica A, 2020, 537,122681.(SCI)
4.Zhang Xiaofeng,Sun Shulin,Dynamical analysis of a stochastic delayed two-speciescompetition chemostat model,Bulletin of theMalaysianMathematicalScienceSociety, 2020,43,3725-3755.(SCI)
5. Yan Rong,Sun Shulin, Stochastic characteristics and optimal control for a stochastic chemostat model with variable yield,Complexity, 2020,ID:5065172.(SCI)
6.张荣,孙树林,一类具有变消耗率的随机恒化器模型的渐近行为,系统科学与数学,2020, 42(12):2237-2247.
7.孙树林,郭翠花,张宁,一类具有互补型营养基的时滞恒化器模型Hopf分支的存在性,应用数学学报,2019, 42(5):629-646.
8.Shulin Sun, Xiaofeng Zhang, Asymptotic behavior of a stochastic delayed chemostat model with nutrient storage, Journal of Biological Systems,2018,26:225-246.(SCI)
9.Shulin Sun, Xiaofeng Zhang, Asymptotic behavior of a stochastic delayed chemostat model with nonmonotone uptake function, Physica A,2018,512:38-56.(SCI)
10.Shulin Sun, Xiaolu Zhang, A stochastic chemostat model with an inhibitor and noise independent of population sizes, Physica A, 2018, 492: 1763-1781.(SCI)
11.Shulin Sun, Cuihua Guo, Xing Liu, Hopf bifurcation of a delayed chemostat model with general monotone response functions, Computational and Applied Mathematics,2017, 1-24.(SCI)
12.Shulin Sun, Yaru Sun, Guang Zhang, Xinzhi Liu, Dynamical behavior of a stochastic
two-species Monod competition chemostat model, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017, 298:153-170.(SCI)
13.孙树林,晋丹慧,具有多个参数扰动的随机恒化器模型的持久性与灭绝性,系统科学与数学,2017, 37(1): 277-288.
14.孙树林,段晓祥,水体富营养化状态脉冲控制系统周期解的存在性和唯一性,系统科学与数学,2016, 39(1): 138-152.
15.Shulin Sun, Cuihua Guo, Chao Qin, Dynamic behaviors of a modified predator-prey
model with state-dependent impulsive effects, Advances in Difference Equations, 2016, 1-13.(SCI)
16.孙树林,尹辉,具有不同时滞的捕食者-食饵恒化器模型的定性分析,系统科学与数学,2016, 36(12): 2454-2472.
17.Shulin Sun, Yixia Zhang, Dynamic behaviors for a model of predator-prey in thechemostat with microbial impulsive inputs, Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci., 2016,1-15.
18.孙树林,尹辉,一类具有连续输入互补型营养基的捕食者-食饵恒化器模型,系统科学与数学,2014, 34(8): 960-968.